discussion 1 Read this paper: https://scielo.conicyt.cl/pdf/jotmi/v8s1/art04.pd

discussion 1 Read this paper: https://scielo.conicyt.cl/pdf/jotmi/v8s1/art04.pdf Comment on how cultural differences affect projects, illustrate with examples from your own experiene. discussion 2 Apply Tuckman/Gersick Models to one of your own personal team experiences (retrospectively, or in the present/future). Enhance your post with resource and/or reference.


USE THE ATTACHMENT TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. APA STYLE Educators use artificial intelligence in their what lives? With artificial intelligence students may represent others’ work as what? Artificial intelligence enabled system evolves how? Why is it imperative to address artificial intelligence in education now? What does artificial intelligence allow machines to do? What is … Read more

in CONR 602, 603, and 604, you learned foundational skills such as the importanc

in CONR 602, 603, and 604, you learned foundational skills such as the importance of empathy, differentiating between positions and interests, and how to acknowledge and reframe emotions. Reflecting on that knowledge and on this week’s readings, respond to the following prompts: Introduction Why is it important for a conflict-competent leader to master the basic … Read more

PART 1—- Referencing Harvest of Empire, discuss your thoughts and feelings about

PART 1—- Referencing Harvest of Empire, discuss your thoughts and feelings about the role American foreign policy has played in the immigration of Latinos to America. Use specific examples to support your response. Individual responses to discussion questions should be 150-200 words. Each response to classmates must follow 3CQ format: One compliment, one comment, one … Read more