Please  watch the three episodes detailing the rise of the Romanov dynasty in

 Please  watch the three episodes detailing the rise of the Romanov dynasty in  Russia and Russian attempts to modernize, as well as their unique path  of development.  Take note of the impact of government problems, the 300  years of Mongol yoke and other issues that prevented them from  experiencing the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution … Read more

 1. Why is Gobekli Tepe considered Mesolithic rather than either Paleolithic or

 1. Why is Gobekli Tepe considered Mesolithic rather than either Paleolithic or Neolithic? View the TED talk on YouTube: 2. Why is the invention of pictographs (Bildzeichen) (mentioned in the TED talk) so important for the acceleration of civilization? 3. In the Americas maize takes the place of wheat (which was brought over by … Read more

FORMAL REPORT – Either use your workplace as an example or research an organiza

FORMAL REPORT – Either use your workplace as an example or research an organization that has been involved in organizing a relief effort during a crisis. Show how they problem-solved to alleviate bottlenecks in the supply chain. Provide graphs and charts as necessary. The 6-10 page formal report should be in APA style.  PRESENTATION –  … Read more

   Describe the evolution of written notes during the Middle Ages and the Renais

   Describe the evolution of written notes during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Use at least THREE music terms about notation from these chapters with a description and explanation on how those figures work. 1 (four hundred wrd)  The validity of the Catholic Church was questioned by individuals who began movements to form new … Read more