Prompt: This writing assignment encourages you to critically analyze and reflect

Prompt: This writing assignment encourages you to critically analyze and reflect upon key themes from this week’s readings in Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Through Eli Clare, Robin DiAngelo, Audre Lorde, Ashley Currier and Thérèse Migraine-George, M. Soledad Caballero, and Kimberly Williams Brown and Red Washburn, we explore complex issues surrounding identity, difference, … Read more

It was originally created in Spanish with the acronym ECO, which stands for “Esc

It was originally created in Spanish with the acronym ECO, which stands for “Escritura Crítica Orgánica” COW ( Critical Organic Writing), based on the mythology of the nymph Echo. It also stems from the idea that perhaps we are only repeating or reproducing the patriarchal framework when it comes to obedience to heteronormativity, and consequently, … Read more

Read: Rodriguez, For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts (required te

Read: Rodriguez, For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts (required text this semester) few selected Chapters: Preface and Intro “Politics of Respectability” “The Male Gaze” “Decoloniality” These responses should be a FULL page typed double spaced. Grading is complete/incomplete. These should have a title of your choice, a brief summary in a complete … Read more