This should be only a topic submission! Submit your topic below in the text entr

This should be only a topic submission! Submit your topic below in the text entry box in the following format: “How does __(independent variable)____ impact _(dependent variable)_______?” This statement will help me understand your independent and dependent variables and ensure it will work in our data. You can also submit one to two other potential … Read more

A critical skill of researchers is being able to administer, score, and interpre

A critical skill of researchers is being able to administer, score, and interpret the results of an instrument. This assignment will provide you with experience toward developing those skills. Using a popular and well-established instrument, the Big Five Inventory-2 Short Form (BFI-2-S), you will practice and demonstrate these skills. General Requirements: Use the following information … Read more

The short assignment and the long assignment should, ideally, both be part of th

The short assignment and the long assignment should, ideally, both be part of the same research project, and you should think of them as being different sections of the same research report. In the short assignment, you briefly lay the theoretical groundwork for your research project, and identify, assess, and describe the data and variable … Read more

Unlimited Attempts Allowed For this assignment, you will use a data generator to

Unlimited Attempts Allowed For this assignment, you will use a data generator tool to generate hypothetical data for the questions you developed. To generate data using the survey data generator, complete the following: Open the Survey Data Generator.… The Survey Data Generator will generate responses to the set of six survey questions you previously … Read more