We have studied how to compute probabilities this week. You hear the probabili

 We have studied how to compute probabilities this week. You hear the probability of various events mentioned in the media. How does knowing the probabilty of something happening affect your daily life? What choices might you make based on knowing the probability of a certain outcome? Please use specific real-life examples. Do you think God … Read more

   NURS 309 M01  Question 1 Consider the following instruction. Round mL answer

   NURS 309 M01  Question 1 Consider the following instruction. Round mL answers to the nearest tenth unless otherwise indicated. Do not include units of measure in your answers. Express a number greater than 999 with a space after the thousands number. Express time using the 24-hour clock.  A patient has a blood urea nitrogen … Read more

  This activity consists of two problems. Problem One Gary Seitz is the director

  This activity consists of two problems. Problem One Gary Seitz is the director of procurement for the Forest Medical Center in Oak Park, Illinois. His medical center recently purchased more than 300 new side tables for the patient rooms from Quick-and-Cheap Furniture. His team, however, is not happy with the paint quality of these … Read more

Next, set-up a claim using a comparison of the two means or proportions. Decide

Next, set-up a claim using a comparison of the two means or proportions. Decide if they are significantly different using your descriptive statistics, then align your claim appropriately. If you find that the two group’s means or proportions are significantly different, make a claim that one mean/proportion is higher/lower than the other as the alternative … Read more

Integrate your hypothesis test from phase 4 and make changes for consistency. Al

Integrate your hypothesis test from phase 4 and make changes for consistency. Align your scope with the claim of your hypothesis test then focus your implications on descriptive and inferential statistics that provide consistent take-aways relating to the study’s scope. Lastly, add additional considerations that relate to your unique situation.