To explore cultural and societal changes while developing comparative skills. F

To explore cultural and societal changes while developing comparative skills. For this mini-task, you must choose an invention or technology that has had a profound and lasting impact on your region.  Note: Once students have selected a region, they are required to maintain continuity with this selection throughout all subsequent mini-tasks and their final project. … Read more

 This is two-part question.   1. Objective: To initiate research on a Spanish-s

 This is two-part question.   1. Objective: To initiate research on a Spanish-speaking region and practice introductory speaking skills. For this mini-task, you must first decide on a region from the list below: Europa | España El Caribe | Puerto Rico, República Dominicana y Cuba Centro América | México, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica Gran Colombia | Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador Zona Andina | Perú, Bolivia … Read more