Assessment Descriiption >> Throughout this course you will be drafting and revis

Assessment Descriiption >> Throughout this course you will be drafting and revising a research paper that connects specific cultural communication patterns or practices to the history, values, and beliefs of that culture. You should focus on a culture of which you are not a member (e.g., you would not research GCU cultural communication patterns because … Read more

Case Study 3 – Timmy’s Gender Nonconformity Timmy, a student in Ms. Grover’s thi

Case Study 3 – Timmy’s Gender Nonconformity Timmy, a student in Ms. Grover’s third grade class at Sully Elementary School, was often teased by classmates because he displayed what they interpreted to be “girl” qualities. Ms. Grover had been warned of this situation by Mr. Franks and Ms. Puterio, Timmy’s kindergarten and second grade teachers. … Read more

Click the weblink to the American Sociological Association’s Most Downloaded Art

Click the weblink to the American Sociological Association’s Most Downloaded Articles. These articles are divided by their Journal sub topic – many of which are thematic in nature. Scroll the titles and themes of the articles. Remember, these are the most downloaded – not necessarily the most viewed, and not necessarily the most problematic issues … Read more