On pages 71-75 of your textbook (your pages may vary depending on the edition yo

On pages 71-75 of your textbook (your pages may vary depending on the edition you have), there are four cases under the section “The 1950s-1970s: Four Controversial Studies”. Pick one of the studies to respond to. Read this document on the American Sociological Association’s (ASA) Code of Ethics Download Code of Ethics. Write a 2-3 … Read more

Select an activist group, past or present, that interests you that is working to

Select an activist group, past or present, that interests you that is working towards some sort of social change. This could be a group who you support, oppose, know little about, or have heard much about. Examine the group’s goals, tactics/strategies, messages, and use of various forms of media (including social media). 1) Describe the … Read more

We will be curating a collective organizational archive that can serve as a one-

We will be curating a collective organizational archive that can serve as a one-stop-shop for folks that may need support across the community. You will be identifying 5 different organizations and answer the following: Name of the organization Website, phone number Location (Is this a local organization or a national/transnational organization?) Who/what does the organization … Read more

Describe key obstacles minority groups and immigrants in the U.S. face presently

Describe key obstacles minority groups and immigrants in the U.S. face presently concerning access to the larger political and economic institutions of U.S. society. Provide three additional examples of how discrimination and/or inequities exist between ethnic groups in the U.S. currently regarding sectors of the economy such as individual and household income and employment. In … Read more

A well-written assignment should demonstrate clear, concise, and logical writing

A well-written assignment should demonstrate clear, concise, and logical writing that effectively communicates ideas. Here are the key elements to a satisfactorily written assignment in this course: 1. Ideas should flow logically from one paragraph to the next. Avoid jumping between ideas without clear transitions. 2. Ensure that each paragraph is focused and contributes to … Read more

Your final writing assignment is to write a short 10-page paper (including the c

Your final writing assignment is to write a short 10-page paper (including the citations). For this assignment, you will be provided with a number of academic articles published in prominent sociological journals and will be asked to read, summarize, compare, and synthesize them in your final paper.(provided in files) The goal of this assignment is … Read more