For this week’s assignment, a three-page reflection on the debate will be due on

For this week’s assignment, a three-page reflection on the debate will be due on Thursday by midnight. In your reflection, please consider the following: Key Points: Summarize the main policy issues discussed during the debate. Pay close attention to any points related to social welfare policy, healthcare, education, or economic reform. Policy Analysis: Reflect on … Read more

Consider the first three assignments as parts of a whole. Frame all actions from

Consider the first three assignments as parts of a whole. Frame all actions from a leadership perspective. Always incorporate the connection to social justice, advocacy, diversity, ethical considerations, globalization and integration of technology. In a 12–15 page paper, build on the previous assignments to implement an advocacy campaign: Briefly introduce the policy change you are … Read more

Review the Riverbend City: Social Work and Disaster multimedia simulation before

Review the Riverbend City: Social Work and Disaster multimedia simulation before proceeding with this assignment. In this assignment, you will take on the role of Red Cross Disaster Program Manager (DPM) for a recent flood that occurred in Riverbend City, which you learned about earlier in the course in the Riverbend City: Cultural Aspects of … Read more

This is a project that will used at a professional setttings . specifically trag

This is a project that will used at a professional setttings . specifically traget single mothers in Berlin Kreuzberg: For example : 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and context 2. historical and social context……… 2.1 History of the Black Communities in Berlin 3 Intersectionality and identity 3.1 Intersections of ethnicity, gender and class 4. challenges faced … Read more

Before beginning this assignment, view the Riverbend City: Cultural Aspects of D

Before beginning this assignment, view the Riverbend City: Cultural Aspects of Disaster multimedia simulation, linked in u08s2 and in the Resources area. Social work leaders are uniquely qualified to address the cultural issues that arise for groups of people impacted by a natural or human-made disaster. As culture often influences peoples’ responses to crises, someone … Read more

Using your chosen state or federal policy, list the steps necessary to bring abo

Using your chosen state or federal policy, list the steps necessary to bring about a change in this policy for the benefit of your client population. Be sure to clearly identify the current policy and attach a copy of it as an appendix. To avoid unintended consequences, begin by considering the diversity of your client … Read more

Using your text and the current scholarly literature (6–8 scholarly articles or

Using your text and the current scholarly literature (6–8 scholarly articles or government sites) on disaster response, create a PowerPoint presentation to the Red Cross task force assigned to the disaster or crisis response for the entire affected area. Use a sufficient number of slides to address the physical, social and cultural, financial, and political needs … Read more