Re Review the Learning Resources on organizational design and structure. Explore the fictional organization created by Walden University for this course, People First San DiegoLinks to an external site.. Click on the website link here or access it via the Media tab in the Learning Resources. For this Assignment, focus on the design of the … Read more

Part of planning for future success involves careful consideration of your stre

Part of planning for future success involves careful consideration of your strengths and challenges in your previous academic experiences. RESOURCESPost at least 200 words to the following prompts. Based on the two TEDTalks in this week’s Media Resources, share what you consider the main factors that will impact your success as an online student.  After … Read more

Respond to one of the four questions below. What is the distinction between s

Respond to one of the four questions below. What is the distinction between sex and gender? How do you think this distinction should be employed in practice? What are some challenges the United States faces in recognition of a third gender? Identify behaviors you think might be interpreted differently when displayed by a female, a … Read more

Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways

Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways your program of study connects to your long-term career plans and how it compares to others’ programs of study. In the modern era, most every career is impacted in some way by technology. How does technology impact your professional aspirations? Post a … Read more

Research Activity # 1: Framing the Social Problem & ASWB Licensing Process (5-p

Research Activity # 1: Framing the Social Problem & ASWB Licensing Process (5-points) For this research activity assignment, I am asking you to think critically about the overt and covert social issues related to systemic disparities in social work professional licensing process. Stated more generally, why is it a problem that some people are statistically … Read more

Complete the following four self-assessments:The Leadership Traits Questionnaire

Complete the following four self-assessments:The Leadership Traits Questionnaire in the course text The Leadership Styles Questionnaire in the course text (if you have not done so already) The Followership Questionnaire in the Theory and Practice PDF The Conflict Style Questionnaire in the course text Additionally, ask a colleague or supervisor to complete the Conflict Style … Read more


 SPORT OUTREACH PLAN – MISSION AND VISION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW As a step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach Plan, you will create mission and vision statements, an organizational structure, staffing and funding plans for your proposed Sport Outreach organization. Your work should be informed by the assigned textbook reading for Module 2 and consistent … Read more