Instructions Please write a 2 page paper on…..the past practices of predatory

Instructions Please write a 2 page paper on…..the past practices of predatory lending: what are predatory lending practices, why did it happen, who were the victims, what is being done to stop this practice. Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed. Guidance Some … Read more

Instructions Please write a Full 2-page paper on, “What causes mortgage interest

Instructions Please write a Full 2-page paper on, “What causes mortgage interest rates to change?” Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed. One inch margin maximum on all four sides of both pages. Guidance Some guidance on what causes mortgage interest rates to … Read more

Real Estate is heavily based on the concept of supply and demand and a new term

Real Estate is heavily based on the concept of supply and demand and a new term called Gentrification is happening. Gentrification can be rather controversial, please view this video (5 minutes, 49 seconds) and post your thoughts on this subject. Here in San Diego a few neighborhoods come to mind that have experienced Gentrification: Little … Read more

CHAPTER 5 – Contracts: 1. Define ‘contract’ and explain the difference between a

CHAPTER 5 – Contracts: 1. Define ‘contract’ and explain the difference between a unilateral contract and a bilateral contract, give examples. 2. What is an express contract? What is an implied contract? What is Offer and Acceptance? What must be completed after acceptance? 3. What are the 4 classifications or legal effects of contracts? Be … Read more