From birth, we struggle to be understood. We flail our arms, cry, scream, smile,

From birth, we struggle to be understood. We flail our arms, cry, scream, smile, frown, and make sounds and gestures to attract attention or to communicate our wants or needs. By adulthood, each of us has developed a unique way of communicating through gestures, words, expressions, and body language. Different cultures have different ways of … Read more


SPSS: DATA ASSAY, DATA NORMALITY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Deciding whether data are normally distributed is an important concept to understand and apply when conducting research using quantitative data. Whether or not data for normally distributed will influence the choice of parametric or nonparametric statistical test employment. INSTRUCTIONS Using SPSS the student will perform the … Read more

Financing Health System Assignment Out-of-Pocket-Payments The above image is the

Financing Health System Assignment Out-of-Pocket-Payments The above image is the WHO health financing framework for Universal Health coverage. WHO’s approach to health financing focuses on core functions: revenue raising (sources of funds, including government budgets, compulsory or voluntary prepaid insurance schemes, direct out-of-pocket payments by users, and external aid) pooling of funds (the accumulation of … Read more

In a Word document, please answer the questions below with short responses (3 to

In a Word document, please answer the questions below with short responses (3 to 5 sentences will suffice for each question asked): Explain the difference between sick building syndrome and building-related illness. Describe the sources of indoor air pollution that can adversely affect human health. Describe three methods for the control of greenhouse gases. Which … Read more

use the Saudi Digital Library to locate a scholarly journal article that details

use the Saudi Digital Library to locate a scholarly journal article that details the use of implementation science to advance quality improvement in healthcare. Summarize the article to include the healthcare setting, the quality initiative, the methodology, and outcomes. Was there a framework used to guide the implementation? Did the author(s) describe any barriers to … Read more

This week we are learning about ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous

This week we are learning about ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous variables. Using the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset that is located in the tabs at the bottom of the Framingham dataset provided, perform the following problems using R Studio or Excel. Create a simple distribution graph (histogram) where we will explore the age of women after … Read more