This is a required assignment, 400-500-words, worth 10 pts, DUE Sunday. Week Two

This is a required assignment, 400-500-words, worth 10 pts, DUE Sunday. Week Two: Weekly Russell Roundup / Critical Reflection After completing this week’s assigned chapters of Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy as well as the other required readings, do the following: First, briefly reflect upon your personal experience of reading Bertrand Russell this week. Did … Read more

Instructions Assignment Instructions Create an 8-10 slide PPT, or some other pre

Instructions Assignment Instructions Create an 8-10 slide PPT, or some other presentation, that accomplishes the following: Chose some ethical issue you feel is important (abortion, gun control, climate change, eating meat, anything that can be considered a moral matter – if you are unsure, be sure to clear with your instructor) Present research on the … Read more

Reading: Chapter Two, pp. 121 – 136. Discuss some of the traditional conceptions

Reading: Chapter Two, pp. 121 – 136. Discuss some of the traditional conceptions of God as outlined in this reading. Which one intrigues the most? How does religion differ from the study of philosophy? This is designed to be a discussion, so please be sure to respond to at least one other student!…

Essay Prompt: The foundation pillars of NHS are scholarship, leadership, charac

Essay Prompt: The foundation pillars of NHS are scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Presuming there was only one open spot for NHS remaining, why should we choose to accept your application and not that of another student? Your essay should address those four characteristics and how you embody them throughout your life. The grading rubric … Read more