Critical Thinking Assignment (105 points) This week we are learning about ordina

Critical Thinking Assignment (105 points) This week we are learning about ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous variables. Using the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset that is located in the tabs at the bottom of the Framingham dataset provided, perform the following problems using R Studio or Excel. Create a simple distribution graph (histogram) where we will explore … Read more

Step 1: Using your sociological imagination, observe your community and identify

Step 1: Using your sociological imagination, observe your community and identify a social problem that creates a threat to the community’s values. You should observe during outings in your community as part of your normal routine for work, shopping, or family activities. Step 2: Write an essay to demonstrate your ability to identify and analyze … Read more

For each of the subjects you choose, and utilizing key concepts from your course

For each of the subjects you choose, and utilizing key concepts from your courses and outside resources, please address the following points in your response: Identify and define each of the subject areas you chose. Analyze three key theories/models/concepts for each of the subject areas you chose. Examine why these subjects are important to the … Read more

Assignment Instructions: Answer the following questions thoroughly using Chapter

Assignment Instructions: Answer the following questions thoroughly using Chapter 13 of your text. CRIMINAL JUSTICE A BRIEF INTRODUCTION BY FRANK SCHMALLEGER 1.) List the four main stages of the juvenile justice system and explain what occurs within each stage. (200 words) 2.) Give a few examples of how the juvenile courts are different from the … Read more

1. Describe your post-MBA plans. How will a degree from the FSU MBA program help

1. Describe your post-MBA plans. How will a degree from the FSU MBA program help you achieve those goals? How does your past education and previous professional experience support your career objectives? 2. Discuss three professional accomplishments that demonstrate your potential for a successful managerial career. 3. What unique personal qualities or life experiences make … Read more