Part 1: Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between a four Ps

Part 1: Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between a four Ps (product, promotion, place, price) approach to marketing and the value approach (creating, communicating, and delivering value). Part 2: Select two advertisements. Describe the needs identified by Abraham Maslow that each ad addresses. What consumer segment is being targeted? Part 3: Find an … Read more

The Challenge One of your M2 readings focused on scent marketing. Scent is being

The Challenge One of your M2 readings focused on scent marketing. Scent is being used increasingly in certain business contexts to create more pleasing customer experiences. By conducting some Internet research, you’ll quickly come to see that the strategic use of scent, in fact, is being used by at least some in the healthcare industry, … Read more

Instructions:  Read the two papers connected to the links below.  Then, go to th

Instructions:  Read the two papers connected to the links below.  Then, go to the American Airlines website ) and describe the manner in which American Airlines implements the marketing mix.  Be sure to define each “P” (product, place, price, and promotion) and then show how each is implemented by American Airlines. Mid-term Format: Write a 2 … Read more

Specifically, you are to place yourself in the role of Marketing Director for a

Specifically, you are to place yourself in the role of Marketing Director for a soon-to-be-established chiropractic clinic based in the city of your choice. (An actual city must be selected as this assignment calls for formal market research.) The entity will be known as Zinnia Chiropractic and it will offer the usual and customary array of services … Read more