The entire assignment is 8,000 words, divided into 6 sections. This task req

   The entire assignment is 8,000 words, divided into 6 sections. This task requires you to complete the first section for me. The “Assignment Submission Form for AS1 MN7P13SR Mar 24” is the grading rubric for this assignment. You must strictly follow the rubric to complete the work. “MN7P13SR Work Sheet 1 (Updated)” outlines the … Read more

Assignment: Imagining Future Scenarios Please find the Word document here: Assig

Assignment: Imagining Future Scenarios Please find the Word document here: Assignment Imagining Future Scenarios.docx Download Assignment Imagining Future Scenarios.docx  Follow the directions in the Word document and submit your completed assignment via Canvas. Background: Every human being has and uses foresight capacity to some degree. Future Studies/Foresight is a transdisciplinary field that has emerged to … Read more

 REQUIRED READINGS Chapter Eleven: Distribution Chapter Twelve: Promotion Chapte

 REQUIRED READINGS Chapter Eleven: Distribution Chapter Twelve: Promotion Chapter Thirteen: Advertising From Berkowitz, Eric N. Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (5th Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2021.  ASSIGNMENT SIX Question One: In recent years, several nationally known healthcare providers have established satellite facilities a great distance from their main clinic locations. The … Read more

  REQUIRED READINGS Chapter Nine: Product Strategy Chapter Ten: Prices From Berk

  REQUIRED READINGS Chapter Nine: Product Strategy Chapter Ten: Prices From Berkowitz, Eric N. Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (5th Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2021. Additonal Readings:  Sturm, A., & Tiedemann, F. (2013). Developing a consumer pricing strategy: as consumers take on more cost responsibilities for their own health care, providers … Read more

Based on each of your C&K and Ganesan text readings( Chap. 2: Evolution of Busin

Based on each of your C&K and Ganesan text readings( Chap. 2: Evolution of Business Ethics Coeckelbergh: pp. 1-29), detail your comparison of Adam Smith’s ethics of capitalism with current general U.S. employment and labor issues. How does the promise of AI potentially intersect with these issues?  How does the Ethical Systems Model create a … Read more

Case Study: Cruise Ships and the Disposal of Waste at Sea Vacation cruises have

Case Study: Cruise Ships and the Disposal of Waste at Sea Vacation cruises have become very popular. Approximately 85 cruise ships, primarily based in Miami, Florida, offer three-, five-, or seven-day trips to Bermuda andthe Bahamas, the Caribbean, and the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Some of these cruise ships are very large, carrying 2,000 to … Read more

Market planning Ag Market Planning The food and fiber supply chain is large, bro

Market planning Ag Market Planning The food and fiber supply chain is large, broad, and complicated. Understanding the supply chain will help you better understand the various markets and how marketing efforts must adapt to reflect specific areas within the chain. In this assignment, you can learn more about a specific area of the supply … Read more