Topic: “The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. C

Topic: “The World has shrunk, outer space has become the area of explorations. Countries like US and Russia have been exploring the unknown; Russia launched and landed on Moon with their space craft “Lunar” on September 12, 1959, followed by US landing Apollo 17 on the Moon in 1979. Since then, several countries have launched … Read more

Definition and Purpose of Fiscal Policy: Fiscal policy involves government decis

Definition and Purpose of Fiscal Policy: Fiscal policy involves government decisions regarding taxation and spending to influence the economy. It is used to manage economic stability, promote growth, and control inflation. Impact on Economic Growth:Government Spending: Increased government spending can boost economic growth by creating jobs, increasing demand for goods and services, and stimulating business … Read more


MACROECONOMIC CHALLENGES: UNEMPLOYMENT & INFLATION You will be submitting your Week 6 Case Study this week. You can find the assignment description and the case study grading rubric in the Assignment Documents and Videos page in the Introduction and Resources Module. NOTEThis assignment uses TurnItIn. To review the TurnItIn results for your submitted paper, look … Read more

John Maynard Keynes Friedrich Hayek Karl Marx TedTalk about Feminist Economic

John Maynard Keynes Friedrich Hayek Karl Marx TedTalk about Feminist Economics Behavioral Economics Stratification Economics Choose 3 of the economists or schools of thought we have discussed in Module 11. Write a 5-paragraph essay describing how their ideas are or should be implemented in the US. You should have a brief introductory paragraph, one body … Read more

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12 point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any analysis where appropriate. 1. How would you implement a peer support group for officers? 2. What organizational and system changes are needed to effectively address police suicides? 3. … Read more

Assignment 5: Article Links:

Assignment 5: Article Links: Is the American Rescue Plan Taking Us Back to the ’60s? Do Households Expect Inflation When Commodities Surge? How Do Low and Negative Interest Rates Affect Banks? Short Interesting Article (Not Required) Assignment 6 Instructions: Read Chapter 4 of the textbook (Lipschitz and Schadler) and provide a 2-page summary. Textbook … Read more