In physics, linear algebra is an essential mathematical tool used to describe an

In physics, linear algebra is an essential mathematical tool used to describe and analyze various physical systems and phenomena. Here’s how linear algebra is applied in different areas of physics: 1. Classical Mechanics: Kinematics and Dynamics: Vectors are used to represent physical quantities like displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force. Linear transformations, represented by matrices, can … Read more

In E3 si consideri il sottospazio vettoriale W generato dai vettori (1, 1, 1) e

In E3 si consideri il sottospazio vettoriale W generato dai vettori (1, 1, 1) e (0, −4, 0). i) Scegliere un’isometria lineare diretta F di E3 tale che Span{(3, 0, 4)} ⊂ F(W), indicandone esplicitamente la matrice rappresentativa rispetto alla base canonica. ii) Scegliere un’isometria lineare NON diretta G di E3 tale che Span{(3, 0, … Read more