The Civil legal tradition focuses on the individual while Islamic legal traditio

The Civil legal tradition focuses on the individual while Islamic legal tradition focuses on the revelation. At first glance, these two systems may seem vastly different. However, there are some similarities. In this essay, explain 3 areas where these two systems are similar. The essay should be structured as follows: • Similarity #1 between the … Read more

In modern times, there is significant discussion about “justice” and “rights.” W

In modern times, there is significant discussion about “justice” and “rights.” We often hear that something does or does not achieve “justice” or that someone has a “right” to something. Please address the following issues in your paper. 1. Justice: (a) define “justice” from a secular worldview; (b) offer a brief account of three individual … Read more

Assignment Requirements: APA format (font style and size, spacing, citations, re

Assignment Requirements: APA format (font style and size, spacing, citations, reference page) Proper grammar, spelling, formatting, etc. At least 3 full pages in length (not to include the reference page) Page numbers and title page MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK-be sure to give credit to appropriate sources. Plagiarism is not tolerated. If the material is … Read more

Choose one question from the following three: Discuss the pros and cons that cam

Choose one question from the following three: Discuss the pros and cons that came from the technological revolution. The four major dimensions of community policing are: The Philosophical Dimension, The Strategic Dimension, The Tactical Dimension, The Organizational Dimension. Describe community policing in relation to each dimension. Nix organizes his article into three sections, compliance, cooperation, … Read more

Prepare Yourself to Discuss: When does an individual engage in “concerted” acti

Prepare Yourself to Discuss: When does an individual engage in “concerted” activity? When is “concerted activity” protected? What types of circumstances are proper for employers to monitor employee off-duty conduct? When is it proper for employers to use discipline (including discharge) to control employees’ off duty conduct? When should society (government) use its power to … Read more