Discuss the concept of “negotiation Jujitsu,” how it might work, and its app

  Discuss the concept of “negotiation Jujitsu,” how it might work, and its appropriateness in mediation, as opposed to a negotiation setting. Is it appropriate in mediation; why or why not? Take any one of the “ten questions people ask about getting to YES” and explain how that concept interacts (positively or negatively) with biblical … Read more

Chapter 3 Prompts 1. Describe three defining characteristics for each of the six

Chapter 3 Prompts 1. Describe three defining characteristics for each of the six types of organizational structures described in Chapter 3. What are the major factors that should be considered when legally forming a new business entity? Include specific details from Chapter 3 of the textbook, interpreted in your own words. 2. Explain the concept … Read more

In today’s economy, there are powerful companies that seem to control massive s

In today’s economy, there are powerful companies that seem to control massive segments of different markets. Using the NEXIS-Uni Legal Database in the Strayer Library or the FTC website below, research a company that has been sued for anti-competitive behavior in the last five years. Explain the facts of the lawsuit, why the actions were … Read more