As you have learned in this unit, there are several typologies and classificati

As you have learned in this unit, there are several typologies and classification systems of terrorism both in the United States and abroad. Typologies and classification systems are important when assessing the different types of terrorist organizations that exist, and the specific geographic areas in which they reside. For this essay assignment, find a source … Read more

Instructions This assignment has three parts. The first part involves picking s

Instructions This assignment has three parts. The first part involves picking something you found interesting from week six (Biowarfare and Bioterrorism Through the Ages), exploring it beyond the readings, and expanding on it in a paper. This section of your paper needs to be at least three pages long. The second part involves picking one … Read more

How should the United States government deal with the heightened concern about h

How should the United States government deal with the heightened concern about homegrown violent extremism and the growing concern for the preservation of civil liberties within the nation? What are some of the political and constitutional consequences of counter-terrorism that US forces (military or law enforcement) conduct within the United States and its territories? Lastly, … Read more