In your own words, describe what informed consent is within the helping profess

 In your own words, describe what informed consent is within the helping profession. Now, it is time to get creative! Create a fictional client of your choosing (e.g., maybe the client is in crisis or perhaps seeking support from a domestic violence advocate) and then create an informed consent document for the client. The document … Read more


CONVERTING CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS TO OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS In this week’s Discussion, you used open-ended questioning with the service user from your case study. For this Assignment, you will continue to develop this skill by converting closed-ended questions to open-ended questions. You will also consider how to rephrase or redirect open-ended questions that do not elicit a … Read more

Please respond to the following: Assume you are an HR business partner and le

Please respond to the following: Assume you are an HR business partner and leader in a full-size HR department for your organization. Based on what you have learned about business employment law, what three or four concepts, tools, methods, or practices would you recommend as important best-practice approaches to help organizations implement better policies to … Read more

Discuss Based on your Chapter 16 reading, please respond to the following: Wh

Discuss Based on your Chapter 16 reading, please respond to the following: What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media tools in the recruitment process? What type of policies should organizations implement when using social media tools for recruitment? What are some legal ramifications of using social media during the recruitment … Read more

  For this assignment, use the Unit 6 Assignment Template to create a marketing

  For this assignment, use the Unit 6 Assignment Template to create a marketing plan for a nonprofit organization. You can use a real organization in your community or create a fictional organization. If you create a fictional organization, you can choose what population is being served and what services are offered. Please address each … Read more

USING OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONING IN ASSESSMENT Open-ended questions cannot be answe

USING OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONING IN ASSESSMENT Open-ended questions cannot be answered in a one- or two-word response. Rather, they are phrased to encourage elaboration and typically begin with words, such as “why,” “how,” or “what,” or phrases, such as “tell me about…” or “help me understand…” For example, an advanced human services professional practitioner, meeting with … Read more