Critical thinking involves learning how to apply experienced-based, team-based,

Critical thinking involves learning how to apply experienced-based, team-based, and formal problem-solving methods to situations as they arise. When applied to homeland security, critical thinking means that intelligence and law enforcement personnel should develop multiple solutions to problems by questioning and challenging their strengths and decision-making practices (Safi & Burrell, 2007). Also, clear communication is … Read more

Please create an infographic The intelligence community includes different agen

Please create an infographic The intelligence community includes different agencies/sectors from different departments (federal, state, local, private) and the military. So, it’s important to figure out their roles and missions in the intelligence cycle. Who’s in charge of intelligence roles and missions now? Does it respond to threats? (Strengths & weaknesses?) For this assignment, you … Read more

A few years ago, … I traveled to Israel … through Ben Gurion, as pristine, c

A few years ago, … I traveled to Israel … through Ben Gurion, as pristine, clean, empty, and beautiful an airport as I’ve ever been in. There were no lines anywhere and sightlines everywhere … . Indeed, before you step into the airport, you’ve already been scrutinized by Israeli security agents monitoring all approaching automobiles … Read more

National Security Presidential Directive-47/Homeland Security Presidential Direc

National Security Presidential Directive-47/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-16 (NSPD-47/HSPD-16) outlines a plan for U.S. aviation security. Until very recently, the security threats of online platforms have been presented as nothing more than mirages, haunting policymakers but with little grounding in reality. Based on information obtained by ISIS from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram social media postings, the … Read more

Finalize your HSEM strategic plan by incorporating the feedback you received fro

Finalize your HSEM strategic plan by incorporating the feedback you received from your classmates and instructor. Your final plan should be a 3 page paper. Your final plan must include the following items: Introduction: Provide background about your fictitious organization. Provide an overview to set the stage about the threats and hazards this organization faces … Read more

Conduct a detailed review and evaluation of the strategic plans for two peers. T

Conduct a detailed review and evaluation of the strategic plans for two peers. The new evaluation posts should contain at least two paragraphs of detailed feedback for each peers’ plan. This is not the same as a peer response. Make sure your evaluation captures the following categories of analysis and feedback. You will be graded … Read more

Write a 2-page essay that examines the capabilities of one of your community’s v

Write a 2-page essay that examines the capabilities of one of your community’s voluntary disaster organizations (mine is: in terms of the kinds of services they might provide during a disaster, how capable they are of doing such things as home repair or running emergency shelters, and how much time volunteers might have to … Read more