For your initial post (min: 300 words), please follow these steps: Select two hi

For your initial post (min: 300 words), please follow these steps: Select two historical figures or events discussed in the assigned chapters this week (i.e., from the History of Africa to 1500) that you believe demonstrate the significance of intercultural competency. Write a paragraph about each chosen figure or event, addressing the following questions:Who or … Read more

Thesis and Intro Paragraph 5 to >4.0 ptsExcellent Essay has a clear, concise, an

Thesis and Intro Paragraph 5 to >4.0 ptsExcellent Essay has a clear, concise, and insightful thesis that directly addresses the prompt and lays out a central claim. Introductory paragraph effectively introduces the thesis with relevant historical context. 4 to >3.0 ptsGood Essay has a thesis that is clear, but may not adequately address the prompt. … Read more

Progressives believed they could address the problems of their time, particularl

Progressives believed they could address the problems of their time, particularly those relating to urbanization and industrialization, through rational means. This week, you read an article (Customer to Consumer) and watched two films (Prohibiiton and Hull House) dealing with progressive reforms in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Many Progressive reforms resulted in greater … Read more