For this assignment, you will be required to choose one of the European colonial

For this assignment, you will be required to choose one of the European colonial powers (England, France, Spain, Holland, Portugal, or Sweden) and explain their approach to colonizing the New World. Be sure to include early voyages of discovery, establishment of colonies, approach to dealing with the native peoples, who were the colonizers sent over, … Read more

News journalists love to lead with controversy and conflict. It’s easy to find n

News journalists love to lead with controversy and conflict. It’s easy to find news items about successful athletes that focus on the “problem” of their bodies, race, gender, clothes, masculinity, femininity. Do you see star athletes being reduced to the issue of their sex, race, or appearance in sports news? Is this changing? Construct your … Read more

Compare the Chesapeake and New England colonies. Explore the various reasons for

Compare the Chesapeake and New England colonies. Explore the various reasons for the colonists’ emigrating to the New World, their economies, gender roles, demographics, religion, and relations with the Indians. How did land ownership compare from one region to the other? Which pattern of settlement is more representative of American development after the seventeenth century?

Dr. Gregory Smithers stated in his article, Teaching Native American History in

Dr. Gregory Smithers stated in his article, Teaching Native American History in a Polarized Age that: “the college classroom should also be a space where students can analyze the often-brutal aspects of American history. … While we as college educators should not shy away from the more uncomfortable facets of American history, we also need … Read more

PROMPT: In order to effectively analyze the assigned sources, you will need to b

PROMPT: In order to effectively analyze the assigned sources, you will need to be very familiar with both patterns and characteristics of Texas political culture as described by Daniel Elazar. Each of the sources can be related to aspects of traditionalistic-individualistic political culture, as well as patterns of the one-party state, provincialism, and business dominance. … Read more