Please read the whole of Chapter 21 (on subject-verb agreement) in The Bedford H

Please read the whole of Chapter 21 (on subject-verb agreement) in The Bedford Handbook (this is pages 295-307). The Bedford Handbook is available at: – or just put “Bedford Handbook pdf” into Google and click on the first link. Then type out the whole of Exercise 21-2 (on pages 306-307). You have to type … Read more

All instructions and links will be in the file or explained here. https://www.yo

All instructions and links will be in the file or explained here. In instruction 1 it will ask you to choose either “Lawrence Lessig’s TED talk” or Read “Chapter 10 (“Property”) of Lessig’s Free Culture (2002)”. I just provided the link for the youtube video because the chapter 10 I am unable to open. … Read more

Outline must be written in complete sentences. Outline must in life a central cl

Outline must be written in complete sentences. Outline must in life a central claim, three reasons, warrants, and a paired evidence. Also include at least one counter argument and one rebuttal. No less than 3 categories ( 1 of each equals a category).MLA format. Heading. Original title (childhood obesity), header. No formal source needed, but … Read more

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll be examining the rhetorical s

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll be examining the rhetorical strategies at work in the texts we’re reading. We’ll examine how each writer constructs his/her argument, how that argument succeeds, how it fails, what the implications of the argument are, including not only are they applaudable insights, but the terrible dangers … Read more

PART ONE Adapt a lesson plan that can demonstrate cultural responsive teaching t

PART ONE Adapt a lesson plan that can demonstrate cultural responsive teaching to a diverse population. Find a generic lesson plan and modify 3 areas within the lesson to be culturally responsive. Areas could include: formative/summative assessments, instructional strategies/procedures, materials, etc. Cultural Diversity Lesson Plan PART TWO Write a reflection to address the following: 1. … Read more