Make sure you at least glance through Chapter 1 of the Dennis Baker book (The Ri

Make sure you at least glance through Chapter 1 of the Dennis Baker book (The Right Not to be Criminalized) before answering these questions. How do crimes become…criminal? Killing another person just because you dislike them – clearly should be prohibited. But what about prostitution, panhandling, and similar crimes? This week we are going to … Read more

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. There are ethical

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. There are ethical challenges in every aspect of the criminal justice system. Administrators are responsible for setting the tone for ethical conduct in the administration and operation of their agency. You are to assume the role of the head (Chief, Director, Warden, etc.) of … Read more

Students will write a brief (1 page or so) My research question: Which types of

Students will write a brief (1 page or so) My research question: Which types of DUI laws and their consequences have the most effect on preventing repeat offenders? This is to follow after a title page, the introduction and literature review. A proposed study section is written to go immediately before a to-be-written proposed method. … Read more

Analyze issues and apply the Conflict-Development Cycle model from Chapter 7 to

Analyze issues and apply the Conflict-Development Cycle model from Chapter 7 to a case study. Find a qualitative research case study where there is conflict involving a police agency (conflict between a new chief and a department, conflict between leadership and a union, between a mayor and the police department). You can find the case … Read more

1.) A decision tree is a great way to determine a course of action and possible

1.) A decision tree is a great way to determine a course of action and possible outcomes associated with an officer’s decision. Today, everyone has a camera and decisions are reviewed, questioned, and judged by those who have no idea what happened. In Chapter 5, you learned about tactical decision-making and scenario-based training for new … Read more

Click on the link. If this bill is passed, what could be some positive outcomes

Click on the link. If this bill is passed, what could be some positive outcomes of less enforcement of minor traffic offenses? What would be some of the negatives? Two to three sentences only and don’t need to write a reference Respond to two of your classmates’ answers for full points. So for response … Read more