Submit an Application Log of at least 250 words in which you articulate applicat

Submit an Application Log of at least 250 words in which you articulate applications of concepts, covered in Chapter 1, that you have either (1) personally experienced in a place of current or past employment, or (2) potentially could experience in your chosen career field after graduation. To receive credit, your weekly Application Log must: … Read more

Submit your Application Log of at least 250 words in which you articulate applic

Submit your Application Log of at least 250 words in which you articulate applications of concepts, covered in Handout 1, that you have either (1) personally experienced in a place of current or past employment, or (2) potentially could experience in your chosen career field after graduation. To receive credit, your weekly Application Log must: … Read more

Speech to inform For this assignment, you will prepare a speech to inform and an

Speech to inform For this assignment, you will prepare a speech to inform and an outline. Objectives: Engage in the first six steps of preparing a speech, including selecting a topic, analyzing your audience, researching your topic, collecting supporting materials, developing main points, and organizing your speech materials. Practice speech preparation steps seven through nine … Read more

“Discuss the six types of corporate social responsibility and give an example of

“Discuss the six types of corporate social responsibility and give an example of each that you may have observed or played a part in making happen. Examples from the text may be used as well.” ONLY TEXT / Source: Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication Janis Teruggi Page, Lawrence J. … Read more

Adding onto the paper that you completed for me before. This will be the methods

Adding onto the paper that you completed for me before. This will be the methods/instrument section. Will be a qualitative, case study approach. 30-60 minute interviews with 12-15 Purple Wave employees across various departments, around 8 questions with 3-5 minute answers. Record interviews then transcribe. Using the phronetic iterative analysis approach (Tracey, 2020) to data … Read more