Initial Post For your initial response, locate a video of a professional present

Initial Post For your initial response, locate a video of a professional presentation on YouTube or a similar site. Evaluate the message using the framework for technology-mediated communication (sensitivity, negativity, complexity, and persuasiveness). Critique the presenter’s voice inflection, length of the presentation, professional appearance, and their ability to reach a diverse audience. Post your review … Read more

Please read all instructions both before you begin the assignment and after you

Please read all instructions both before you begin the assignment and after you complete it. Double check the rubric to make sure you have completed all steps.  In this writing assignment, you will critically analyze a New York Times Opinion piece from January 2024.  Steps/Questions: 1.  Summary and pros/cons of ChatGPT: Read the New York Times article, “How the Federal Government Can Rein In A.I. in Law Enforcement” by Joy Buolamwini and Barry Friedman.

Instructions After completing the assigned reading for module 5, Study/Site Main

Instructions After completing the assigned reading for module 5, Study/Site Maintenance & Management, read to following blog, Initial Post Create your initial post by answering the following questions: Why do you think that adverse events are underreported? The blog talks about asking the “right” questions to assess whether study subjects have experienced adverse events … Read more

Objective: This assignment requires you to author a one-page paper in APA format

Objective: This assignment requires you to author a one-page paper in APA format that delves into your chosen concentration and a key professional organization within this field. This initial paper will set the groundwork for understanding the historical and current context of your concentration, aiding in subsequent assignments that will discuss current trends and challenges. … Read more

Respond to the following questions/statements about TESLA: Briefly respond: Rese

Respond to the following questions/statements about TESLA: Briefly respond: Research the CEO of Tesla. Provide his/her name and a brief history of their time at the organization. What are some of the positive aspects or benefits of this CEO for Tesla? What are some of the negative aspects or issues associated with this CEO in … Read more

Answer the following questions with a minimum of 250 words for each and provide

Answer the following questions with a minimum of 250 words for each and provide a minimum of 2 resources for each. 1.        Review the website/ social media of the Chicago Bears and respond to the following:  –            Identify the sales and promotional strategies that the sport organization is currently using –            Analyze the strengths and … Read more

Info: There are five generations in the workplace currently. Identify the genera

Info: There are five generations in the workplace currently. Identify the generations by title, age range, and provide five strengths and five challenges for each social group in relation to the workplace. You must research this information for accuracy. DO NOT use information before 2015, as it is outdated.   For this assignment, the cover page … Read more