The world is waking up to the fact that people of color and other marginalized p

The world is waking up to the fact that people of color and other marginalized populations lack something many take for granted: a healthy environment. Not everyone has access to clean drinking water, good soil, clean air, and green spaces. And without these things, you can’t live your life to its fullest potential. Discuss.

Step 1 Create a script outlining your pitch. Note…you will not submit the script

Step 1 Create a script outlining your pitch. Note…you will not submit the script but will use it as a guide for delivering your pitch. Begin with a Compelling Opening: Begin your elevator pitch with a compelling introduction that grabs your audience’s attention (tip…make sure to identify your audience). Mention your name and a brief … Read more

School of Business & Quality Management Virtual Lab 2: Fall 2024 Course Title Op

School of Business & Quality Management Virtual Lab 2: Fall 2024 Course Title Operations and Supply Chain Management Course Code OPER307 Instructor Name Petra Turkama Deadline Week 9, 25 October, 2024   Instructions for learners: This Virtual Lab Exercise will test the learning outcome during the first weeks of the course in terms of the … Read more

This project is intended to be an individual assignment where you should submit

This project is intended to be an individual assignment where you should submit at least a 12 page Research Paper at the end of the course. The Field Project consists in applying the basic learnings of the Principles of Transportation course by visiting a local freight line or freight forwarder firm involved in transportation and … Read more

This week you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation 1. Identify an industry

This week you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation 1. Identify an industry that competes internationally (ie, fast food, clothing, sportswear, automotive, etc). All your companies must be from ONE Industry (you cannot discuss Taco Bell and Nike in the same PowerPoint). 1 SLIDE 2. Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage to competing in International Markets. Minimum 1 … Read more

Compare and contrast the “Lewin’s Change Management Model” and “Satir Change Man

Compare and contrast the “Lewin’s Change Management Model” and “Satir Change Management Model”.   Respond to the following questions and statements for each of “Lewin’s Change Management Model” and “Satir Change Management Model”.:   Provide an introduction to the paper.  What will be addressed in the coming pages? Define each model. Discuss the benefits of each … Read more

Data Analysis Skills and Thinking [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3, 5] Prior to begin

Data Analysis Skills and Thinking [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 7: Supply Management. Operations and supply chain managers as well as professionals in purchasing engage in strategic sourcing processes, and they demonstrate how spend analysis, total cost analysis, portfolio analysis, and weighted-point evaluation … Read more

Instructions Learning Activity: In her book titled the End of Competitive Advant

Instructions Learning Activity: In her book titled the End of Competitive Advantage, Dr. Rita Gunther McGrath makes an argument about how competitive advantage is no longer sustainable but is transient, and it is time for us to be more agile and always look for the next opportunity.  Here is a review of her book by … Read more