Objectives  The purpose of the Business Writing Assignment activity is to: Prod


The purpose of the Business Writing Assignment activity is to:
Produce a clear, concise message written from the appropriate point of view and with a realistic and relevant event selected to be discussed (CO 4)
Utilize effective language and communication strategies to stress the issues pertaining to event that identified the need for policy change (CO 5)
Summarize strategies in place to combat expected or potential pushback/struggles with the policy implementation/change (CO 1)
Method of Evaluation
Students are required to complete a Business Writing Assignment activity which is worth 15% of their overall grade.
Students must complete the following papers: (i) a Personal Essay, (ii) a Business Writing Assignment and (iii) an APA Research Paper. Each of these papers must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.
For the Business Writing Assignment you will assume the role of a Director of a business or facility and write a memorandum to your head administrator describing “events” or recommending changes that you feel need to be implemented at the facility to improve operations, efficiencies, outcomes, morale, etc. This writing should be based on experiences in your work environment and should involve MATERIAL issues. An event memorandum should incorporate the following concepts: (i) a description of the event, (ii) effects of events, and (iii) changes required by the event. A policy change memorandum should incorporate the following concepts: (i) a description of the policy change, (ii) how the change will be implemented, and (iii) hurdles that may need to be overcome. The memorandum must be typed with 1” margins, single spacing, a 12 point Times Roman font (including the header portion of the memorandum) and between 1 ½ and 2 pages in length. Exhibit A in the syllabus contains the format for the memorandum. You must use this format and may NOT use a different format, such as a Memo format with a 25-point Memorandum Heading.
RNQB & RNSB | General ED | Paper (BIO201, BIO202, HUN201, NUS201, PSY201, SOC201, NUR203, NUR222) | Theory | Reflective Paper, Interview Paper (NUR225) | DLRNQB & RNSB | General ED | Paper (BIO201, BIO202, HUN201, NUS201, PSY201, SOC201, NUR203, NUR222) | Theory | Reflective Paper, Interview Paper (NUR225) | DLCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent65 ptsSuperior• Provides substantive and relevant development of ideas • Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail • Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the ideas • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a critical, analytical and persuasive manner49 ptsSatisfactory• Provides some relevant development of ideas • Offers logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail • Demonstrates a general understanding of the ideas • Evaluates/responds to ideas in a persuasive manner33 ptsPoor• Provides limited relevant development of ideas • Offers minimal level of detail • Demonstrates a limited understanding of the ideas • Evaluates/responds to ideas with minimal analytics and with less persuasive arguments17 ptsUnsatisfactory• Provides no relevant development of ideas • Offers minimal level of detail and detail is off-topic and/or unfocused • Lacks understanding of the ideas • Fails to present analytics and persuasive arguments0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed65 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization20 ptsSuperior• Creates a clearly identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion • Provides a sophisticated paragraph structure with each paragraph developing one central idea • Utilizes APA format15 ptsSatisfactory• Creates an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion • Provides a unified paragraph structure with most paragraphs developing one central idea • Utilizes APA format10 ptsPoor• Fails to develop a clear organizational structure • Demonstrates limited paragraph structure • Incorporates APA format haphazardly5 ptsUnsatisfactory• Fails to have organizational structure • Lacks unified paragraph structure • Lacks APA format0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage5 ptsSuperior• Incorporates sophisticated terminology • Avoids irrelevant and redundant words, phrases and other distracting information • Contains no spelling errors • Lacks errors in sentence boundaries such as fused sentences and sentence fragments • Uses paraphrase and quotes skillfully3 ptsSatisfactory• Utilizes appropriate terminology • Incorporates relevant words and phrases, but contains some distracting information • Contains limited spelling errors • Utilizes appropriate sentence structure in most instances (some fused sentences and fragments) • Limits paraphrase and quotes to an acceptable level2 ptsPoor• Utilizes inappropriate terminology in certain areas • Incorporates irrelevant words and phrases • Contains limited spelling errors • Utilizes inappropriate sentence structure (fused sentences and fragments) • Uses paraphrase and quotes in some instances without following APA (i.e., plagiarism)1 ptsUnsatisfactory• Utilizes inappropriate terminology • Presents distracting information throughout • Contains numerous spelling errors • Utilizes inappropriate sentence structure (fused sentences and fragments) • Uses paraphrase and quotes without following APA in numerous instances (i.e., plagiarism)0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation10 ptsSuperior• Presents information in a clear, logical, and effective manner7 ptsSatisfactory• Presents information in an effective manner4 ptsPoor• Presents information in a manner which results in some confusion1 ptsUnsatisfactory• Presents information in an ineffective manner with lots of confusion0 ptsNot Completed• Assignment Not Completed10 pts
Total Points: 100PreviousNext
TO: All Staff, Facility Name
FROM: Firstname Lastname, RN
DATE: March 31, 2019
RE: Specific Title Pertaining to the Contents of the Memorandum
Begin writing the memorandum here. This assignment has a page length requirement of 1.5 pages of 1.5 spaced writing. Be sure to double check with your instructor regarding this assignment, as they may prefer this section to be single-spaced. If so, this can be adjusted by highlighting all text below the bolded line and selecting the line spacing tool  – to the left of the numbering list button. Do not indent paragraphs. Make sure to press twice enter when you are beginning a new paragraph so that there is some space between. An example is shown below:
This is a new paragraph. Remember: DO NOT double space this assignment. The goal of this assignment is to effectively explain a new policy or change that will be implemented at your facility with a past action being a catalyst for the change. Remember, you must use persuasive tactics and effective language to garner support for this change. If you do not explain how the policy is in the best interest for the individual, they are less likely to follow your direction(s). Use the sandwich method to start and end the message on a positive note or with a potential motivator. Refer to the business memorandum grading rubric for further information on how you will be assessed. When in doubt, make sure to reach out to your instructor!
To make changes to this template and submit as your assignment, you need to make a copy. To do so, click FILE, then select MAKE A COPY from the menu above. An editable version will be placed in your GOOGLE DRIVE which you can then utilize. 
Need an example? Click here to see a memo written from an RN nurse supervisor perspective to their staff regarding a new policy. Click here to see a memorandum written from an RN perspective to the director of the company. Good Luck!


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