Perform each exercise for 12 reps! Do 60 seconds of cardio in between each exerc


Perform each exercise for 12 reps!
Do 60 seconds of cardio in between each exercise.
1) Reverse lunge to front kick (12 each leg)-Step back into the lunge.
1 minute high knees
2) Push-up (lift arm at the top)-6 each arm, 12 total. If lifting your arm is too challenging, just do push-ups. 1 minute high knees
3) Lateral lunges (6 each side)-side to side
1 minute high knees
4) Tricep presses (12)-use a chair if you do not have weights
1 minute high knees
5) Sumo squat with heel lift (12)-squats with toes turned out
1 minute high knees
6) Side plank with hip raise (12 each side)
1 minute high knees
7) Scissor kicks abs (12 each leg)
1 minute high knees
Repeat everything 2 times. You can change the cardio to jumping jacks, skaters, or skiers. Anything works, your choice of which cardio exercise you want to add. Please enter your detailed exercise log here!!!! Please include your intensity, time, and heart rate. Which was your favorite exercise? Which was your least favorite exercise? How challenging was adding a minute of cardio after each exercise?


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