Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to trigger a wave of automation that will


Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to trigger a wave of automation that will transform corporate finance departments, automating manual tasks and assisting in areas such as risk management, forecasting, and audit. These are ‘strong promises’ especially in the context of forecasting and risk management (less ‘mechanical’ or purely statistical/data functions) and even in the area of audit (outside simple asset/liabilities tabulations).
Some questions (potential) worth thinking about are:
Do you agree with the proposition that AI will transform financial decision-making and strategies of the firms?
What barriers, if any, do AI systems face in genuinely transforming decision-making functions in financial management of the firms as opposed to operational management?
What impact on the corporate financial resilience (returns to capital, cost of capital, tax exposures, etc) do you expect to arise over time as AI gets systemically integrated into corporate activities?


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