In Assignment 2, you will analyze the data collected in your GUIDES Worksheet. N


In Assignment 2, you will analyze the data collected in your GUIDES Worksheet. Now that you have researched the economic conditions of the target country, using the Indicators and other resources, you are ready to make a recommendation. You will present your conclusions and proposed next steps in an Executive Brief of three to four pages. In this document, you summarize your key findings, recommend a course of action, and provide a rationale for your proposal. Your home country data is an important benchmark for interpreting the data on the target country which you have been researching.
As an Executive Brief is a succinct business communication, it is helpful to make notes on your ideas and work through your recommendation before writing the final document. To prepare in this way, examine your data from Assignment 1 and make notes, using the prompts in the Sample Outline provided below. When you are ready to proceed with writing your Executive Brief, use the same Sample Outline to structure the sections of your Executive Brief document.
Attached is the sample outline to follow and the GUIDES worksheet with my previous work. The topic of this paper is the automobile industry in Japan and USA as my home country.


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