Discussion post #4 • According to GPCC, what is “new” about the working class in


Discussion post #4
• According to GPCC, what is “new” about the working class in human history? Describe the construction and anatomy (that is, the characteristics) of the working class. • What is precarious labor and how does it pertain to the gig economy? What is the gig economy’s false promise?
• According to the articles on janitors and on teachers, engineers, and professionals in general, how has employment become increasingly precarious—not only for less-skilled jobs but even for jobs requiring undergraduate and graduate degrees? What is the role of “outsourcing” in this trend?
• What is Taylorism (“scientific management”)? What are its examples from the past? And what are its examples in our work lives today?
• What is “the moral crisis of America’s doctors” and how does it pertain to Taylorism (“scientific management”)?
• What has been the historical importance of labor unions? But what has happened to labor unions since the 1980s or so, and what are the repercussions for employment conditions? What are reasons for today’s upswing in unionization movements, and what continued obstacles does it face?
• What is the “big feminist policy” discussed in the article, and how does it pertain to labor segmentation?
• Relevance: the ideas expressed indicate that the student has seriously engaged the assigned material.
• Clarity, coherence: the ideas are stated clearly and coherently.
• Critical thinking: there is evidence that the student has adequately analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the assigned material.
• Poses a question for discussion: the posting articulates a question for discussion that pertains to the assigned material.
• Spelling, grammar: the posting must meet university-level standards of spelling and grammar.
• In-text citation of sources is required.


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