you will find these questions on the book that i forward to you, no copy and pas


you will find these questions on the book that i forward to you, no copy and paste from online and no ai using, pls give me report of plagiarism for turnitin on both ai and plagiarism, it will check through by turnitin, so be considerate it homework 1 is posted here. Dear Students,
There are 10 problems to be solved in this Homework. These are 8 problems (end-Chapter exercise problems) from Chapters 1, 2 and 5 from the Fundamentals of database systems book. 1.10, 1.14, 2.12, 2.14, 2.15, 5.13, 5.15, 5.19
Problem 8: Consider the below URL: to an external site.
In this URL, there is a Java code that is presented for a Transaction script pattern about booking hotel rooms. A hotel class is included for 1) booking and 2) canceling hotel room reservations. The bookroom() function should book a hotel room depending on the user’s special requests like:
a) No. of hotel room(s)
b) Room type(s)
c) Dates on which the hotel room(s) must be booked.
d) Date on which hotel booking is made. The Hotel class has two methods, one for booking and cancelling a room respectively. Each one of them handles a single transaction in the system, making Hotel implement the Transaction Script pattern.
The bookRoom method consolidates all the needed steps like checking if the room is already booked or not, if not booked then books the room and updates the database by using the Data Access Object (DAO).
The cancelRoom method consolidates steps like checking if the room is booked or not, if booked then calculates the refund amount and updates the database using the DAO.
The App.JAVA is the entry point for this application (main function). Implement the JAVA code by writing appropriate App.JAVA file, and the booking and cancelation functions. Show appropriate outputs (one each for booking and cancellation). ================
Descriptive answers are required. Some questions may require you to draw diagrams, which must be drawn using any drawing software you know of (Example. Lucid charts, Your textual answers must be typed.


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