SEE ATTACHED 1) First, briefly explain the authenticity theories (essentialist,


1) First, briefly explain the authenticity theories (essentialist, existentialist, constructivist, negotiated or theoplacity). Please refer to lecture notes and the reading titled- ‘Back to the Past…’ in the supplementary readings section. I have also explained them in the VT lecture. Next, based on readings 2 and 5, offer an example to illustrate how authenticity can generate a happy/calm state of mind and enhance overall well-being of the guests as well as the hosts (the first Q is worth 3 points and the second is worth 4 points). 7 Points
2) Drawing from the information offered in Mkono’s (2020) reading: describe the notions of moral hypocrisy (and its three different forms) and inauthenticity in an existentialist sense. Share an example of a trip or experience where you might have been eco-hypocritical? 6 Points
3) Close your paper by connecting the notions of moral hypocrisy to the transformative potential of existentialist authenticity (hint- please refer to the content from the Perusall reading here) and peak experiences which initiate or end with some kind of disorientation (please refer to the reading on ‘Authenticity and disorientation in the tourist experience’). As we have already discussed in previous modules, please keep in mind the ultimate goal: to plan and develop sustained transformative experiences that can contribute to wellbeing and stimulate ethical behavior. 7 Points
Minimum number of references including required readings: eight
Please draw reflection/insights/discussion points based on the required readings
Include one YouTube video (link) or media article to support your views – 3 points
Autoethnography approach – 2 Points
For your paper, you are required to keep the following in mind:
What effort did you make to be self-reflexive of your views? (Hint- refer to the autoethnography approach
journal article and PowerPoint lecture BOTH ARE ATTACHED
Minimum length of your discussion paper should be 2-3 pages (single spaced). Your answer should not exceed six (double spaced) pages. You should also include a reference list (APA style) and use citations where needed. Only three quotations (not exceeding a couple of sentences) are allowed.
Requirements: 2-3 pages (single spaced)


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