According to the quote of philosopher George Santayana, “Those who do not learn


According to the quote of philosopher George Santayana, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” That phrase is not only popular and catchy but also true. Assignment: Use the monograph as a reference to answer the questions below. In addition, open the link below, and use the article as a source for your paper. 1. Monograph, The Salem Witch Hunt 2nd Edition by Richard Godbeer is located in the Bedford Bookstore.
2. Article by Elizabeth Yuko, Salem Witch Trials: What Caused the Hysteria? |
1. Explain the cause of the Salem witch hunt?
2. Explain the gross injustice of the Salem witch trials .
3. What impact did the witch trials have on society?
4. What were some of the factors that influenced the wide spread fear and hysteria during the witch trials?
5. How many people were killed in the witch trials? Give examples of three people who were killed as a result of the trials. 6, How did the witch trials end?
7. What contemporary event could be compared to the Salem witch trials gross miscarriage of justice? Requirements and Instructions: Use the article and monograph as sources to answer the questions. This assignment should be written in essay format consisting of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Your paper must be at least 900 words written in either the MLA style or the Chicago style. SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT IN A PDF IN CANVAS. LATE PAPERS AND PAPERS SENT VIA EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. THIS IS NOT A GROUP PROJECT, SO THERE SHOULD NOT BE IDENTICAL PAPERS. TURNITIN WILL BE USED FOR PLAGIARISM REVIEW. THIS PAPER REQUIRES YOUR PERSONAL ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF THE HISTORICAL EVENTS. THAT SAID, IF YOU USE ANY AI, GOOGLE DOCS, CHATGPT, EVERNOTE, ETC, TO WRITE YOUR PAPER, POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.


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