Respond to at least two colleagues by comparing your agency observations ab


Respond to at least two colleagues by comparing your agency observations about problems, issues, and needs with theirs. Provide respectful feedback on your colleague’s program idea or need-related question. 
Identifying Problems in a Social Work Setting
In my current practice within the Veterans Affairs (VA) health system, a common issue I observe is the high prevalence of untreated or inadequately treated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among veterans. While the VA offers various mental health services, many veterans continue to struggle with their symptoms, which often go unaddressed due to the stigmatization of mental health issues or a lack of awareness about available services (Anderson, 2021). The standard interventions, including medication and individual therapy, often fail to fully meet the needs of veterans, particularly when PTSD is accompanied by other issues like substance abuse or family discord. Veterans resort to coping mechanisms such as alcohol use, which can worsen their symptoms and lead to isolation from family and friends.
What I observe in the VA setting is a gap between the offered services and the veterans’ needs for more comprehensive and integrative treatment approaches. Veterans with PTSD often require more than individual therapy and medication management; they need programs that address the holistic impacts of their condition, such as family support, peer connection, and substance abuse treatment. The frequent mention of relationship struggles, emotional withdrawal, and substance abuse as coping mechanisms signals that the current services are not sufficient (Rosen & Ayers, 2020). Veterans continue to present with chronic symptoms that interfere with their ability to reintegrate into civilian life, maintain healthy relationships, and manage their mental health on a long-term basis.
Proposed Program to Address the Gap
To address this gap, I propose the development of a Comprehensive PTSD Recovery Program that includes not only individual therapy and medication management but also family counseling, peer support groups, and integrative therapies such as mindfulness and stress reduction techniques. The program would focus on addressing the emotional, relational, and behavioral aspects of PTSD, including veterans’ tendencies to self-medicate through alcohol or other substances (Giacomucci & Marquit, 2020). The inclusion of family counseling would be critical, as veterans like Jake often experience strained relationships with their partners and children. Peer support groups would offer veterans a space to connect with others who have similar experiences, reducing the isolation many feel after returning from deployment. Additionally, introducing mindfulness-based stress reduction programs could help veterans develop healthier coping mechanisms to manage their PTSD symptoms without turning to alcohol or other harmful substances (Rauch et al., 2021). This program is necessary because veterans’ needs extend beyond what traditional therapeutic models can offer. The complexity of their trauma requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates not only clinical therapy but also peer support, family involvement, and holistic care. The proposed program would help address the root causes of veterans’ symptoms, including their emotional distress, difficulties with social reintegration, and relationship challenges.
I did an internship at The Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock, located at 1601 Marshall Street Little Rock, Arkansas (2017). Helping Hand is a food pantry that is available from 9am to 12:30pm, Monday through Thursday (2017). They also assist with utility bills and medication (2017). A food bank can have many issues with supplying food due to lack of resources, supply, and demand.
Describe at least one common client problem, issue, or gap in services or programs at your field agency, practice, or community setting. (If you are not currently in a practice setting, you may draw on your past work or practicum experience.)
A common problem with food banks is clients dealing with food insecurity disparities. Black and Latino individuals often experience higher levels of food insecurity than white individuals. The food insecurity rate among Black residents surged from 24 to 29 percent (Mitchell, 2024). Hispanics have a rate of 20%. A concerning rise in the overall food insecurity rate increased from 14.5 to 17.6 percent in only a year in Arkansas (Mitchell, 2024). That means an extra 45,040 individuals now struggle with food insecurities on a daily basis (Mitchell, 2024). 25% of the children in central and southeast Arkansas are considered to have food insecurities (Mitchell, 2024). The demand is sometimes more than what can be supplied.
Specifically, highlight what you see that tells you clients need something more than what the agency, practice, or community setting is offering.
How often a client shows up indicates the food insecurities they are dealing with. Whenever the client is eligible to come again, you can tell you that the food that is given is not enough. Or the client may go to multiple food shelters for assistant just to provide for themselves and their family. Sometimes, clients may come in after they lost everything to a house fire. Then, we will refer them to American Red Cross for shelter, emotional support, and mental health services.
Identify a program that you think is necessary to address the problem, issue, or gap and explain why.
“A critically important task during the planning stage is determining whether there is a need for a new program or practice intervention (Dudley, 2020, p.115). A program that is necessary to address the problem of food insecurities is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. SNAP provides food benefits to families living in poverty to help with purchasing groceries to address the health and well-being of their clients (2024). “SNAP reduces poverty and food insecurity while stimulating economic growth (2024).”
Generate a question that you might ask about your identified need and to whom.
How can food insecurities be reduced among clients who are living in poverty and have a lack of resources? I would ask the question to nutrition assistance programs. Increasing the amount of benefits clients receive every month and addressing unemployment could aid in reducing food insecurity and hunger.
Food insecurity is a significant issue that unfairly affects people from racial and ethnic minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations (2020). It is important to understand food insecurity disparities because they can cause a decrease in the quality of life and other consequences (2020).


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