Prompt: Within the disability community, there is rising resentment of what is c


Within the disability community, there is rising resentment of what is called “inspiration porn”: the perception by able-bodied people that people with disabilities are put on this earth to be an inspiration to them. Reflecting back on this week’s experiences with inspiration porn and the arguments for/against this perspective, select one example of what is meant by inspiration porn, and write an analysis of it. Consider how your example might be perceived by a person with a disability and put yourself in their shoes. How does your example reflect ableism and able privilege?
Writing Your Summary
After you reflect, you will write an individual reflection on your experience, and upload it to Canvas.  
Read the prompt, and respond to it in your summary.  At the end of your paper, embed the image you selected.  Your summary should be FULL TWO PAGES in length plus the space your image takes; make sure it’s large enough for me to see clearly (ideally, at least 4″ tall).  
Your summary must adhere to the following formatting guidelines: 12 point serif font (such as Times New Roman), double spaced evenly, 1” margins, with all paragraphs indented 1/4 inch and pages numbered in the upper right-hand corner. 
Guidelines for Fieldwork #3
Spend some time online looking for examples of inspiration porn.  You are free to select an image (poster or similar) that interests you, but may not use any of the images presented in this module.  
Search hint:  if you search the words “disability” and “inspiration”, you’ll find a lot more than if you search inspiration porn. Save the image you selected in any image format.  You will upload it with your paper.  
Spend some time considering the messages about disability your image conveys, the ableism behind the message and how it might be perceived by both the disabled and able-bodied communities.  


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