HE ASSIGNMENT: 1. Select ONE of the six books. They are available at Textbook Br


1. Select ONE of the six books. They are available at Textbook Brokers or on Amazon.com. There
are also used copies available on Amazon, and ebook versions are also of some.
2. Write a 5-7 page paper to include:
a. An ABSTRACT- See sample abstract under Course Guidelines document posted on Canvas
b. INTRODUCTION (a statement of the purpose of the paper and what will be covered)
c. A SUMMARY of the book: What is the book’s purpose, how is the subject covered, and what
are the key points in the book. Before completing the following sections, give sufficient details
of the book so that the reader has a fairly complete understanding of its contents and
d. THREE THINGS you learned from reading the book that you did not know about
management. Explain each in detail with examples; discuss why each is important to
understand as a manager; and how each will help you be a better manager? (include one
separate section for each of the three Leanings)
e. A SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS-a- a brief summary (one or two paragraphs) stating the
key learning points and their importance.
The paper should have a cover page and an Abstract page. Use centered headings for each of the
sections of the paper. This paper does not require additional outside references except for a reference
page for the book reviewed. Follow all APA writing style requirements.
Submit the paper as an Assignment in Canvas by the due date. Use Microsoft Word or PDF document
format only.


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