For this assignment, you will need to contact one professionals operating in one


For this assignment, you will need to contact one professionals operating in one of the following roles and ask them the questions that are listed below. Report on your findings.
School counselor
Licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice
A mental health counselor
A clinical social worker currently employed with a county agency
A therapist who does custody evaluations in divorce cases
A counselor who works with survivors of domestic violence or crime victims
When meeting with a new client, do you explain the concept of confidentiality? If so, do you also describe the limits to confidentiality or the conditions under which confidentiality may be breached? How do you present these issues?
Have you ever had your records subpoenaed? How did you respond?
Have you ever had a situation in which you believe a duty to warn existed? If so, what did you do? If not, what do you think you would do?
If you work with minors, how do you address the issue of confidentiality with them? With their parents?
In your professional role, do you have privilege? If so, have you ever called on privilege as a basis for not disclosing client information?
This assignment will be graded based on:
Quality of content (25 points) including:
Answers to all of the interview questions
Reflect on the interview participants responses to the interview questions in a summary following the interview questions.
Quality of writing and mechanics such as organization, grammar, and spelling (5 points).
Create a title page, use proper headings, create a reference page, and provide in-text citations (you do need to cite personal interviews). See “Personal Communication” APA citation Here was my interview: #1 Yes, I am required to discuss confidentiality with new clients when I open their case, and I have to do it annually as well. I give them the DHS form “Notice of Privacy Practices” which explains the limits of confidentiality as well. I really just tell them I keep their information confidential, but there are situations where I cannot, like if they are in an emergency situation or their lives are at risk. I also tell them their information may be viewed by auditors for auditing purposes of my job only, not to use their information. I also work with health plans and explain as their insurance company they have access to my records.
#2. Yes, I have had my records subpoenaed for CHIPS cases as well as a mentally ill and dangerous case that I had. As a county social worker, we go through our county attorney for subpoenas, and we also have a person that redacts information not pertinent to the case.
#3 Absolutely. I worked as a mental health social worker for 10 years and this came up often. My clients were made aware when I worked with them that if they threatened their lives or other’s lives and I had suspicion to believe they would or had the means to carry it out, I would call law enforcement. I did have to call law enforcement several times. #4 The only time I worked with minors was when I did chemical dependency assessments. Minors in MN are able to consent to CD assessments, services, and treatment without the consent of their parents/guardians, and I would explain that to them. I explained to them that I would only be able to share information with their parents/guardians if they signed a release of information and after giving them and explaining to them their notice of privacy practices/rights.
#5 In my role as a county social worker/health plan care coordinator, I don’t have privilege.


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