For this assignment you will be writing the abstract and discussion sections for


For this assignment you will be writing the abstract and discussion sections for a research paper I am working on. the discussion is 4 parts and about 2 and a half pages (1) restating your hypotheses and whether they were supported, (2) integrating your findings with previous research, (3) describing study limitations, and (4) suggesting future directions for research.
Abstract: Include something from each main part of the paper: (1) from the Intro the general purpose and your hypotheses, (2) from the Method a brief summary of your sample and procedures, (3) from the Results whether your hypotheses were supported (no numbers!), and (4) from the Discussion an important implication, limitation, or future direction.
Using the attached PDF of the paper I am writing you should be able to pull all the information you would need to write this. I can also give you PDF versions of the reference articles I used if you need them.


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