do not copy and paste from online and dont use any ai for this project after you


do not copy and paste from online and dont use any ai for this project after you done must show me the ai turnitin report and turnitin plagiarism report for both Please complete the assignment in:
CS116A-Spring-2024-Project1-Meshes.pdf. which i include down below on the files. Please be sure to include your source (file .zip file naming conventions described in doc) and video demonstration.
for the video on both exercise do text script to do the video and share it with me Addendum:
1) In the PDF, the “What to Submit”, you should demonstrate part 3 in your video as well.
2) In Part 2, you are required to search for an interesting (free) model on the internet yourself or create a new model in maya and export it. So I am expecting each student to have a different model to show. The commonly found models like the stanford “bunny” or the “teapot” models are excluded. You have to come up with something different.there are 2 part for this project , project 1 is the project 1 meshes, 2nd one is for the lab of project 1 (which is the prompt down below) Triangle Intersection with Mouse Ray Part 2 Using the example code we did in class (the pyramid), create a mouse ray and calculate the 3D intersection point with the pyramid. Draw a little sphere at the point of interesection. The code should work from any camera position and on any triangle of the pyramid. Submit:
1) source code in a zip file (not the entire project, just your source)
2) a little screen capture movie that illustrates how it works with a quick code walkthrough (total 1-2 minutes). Make sure to show that it works on entire mesh using different camera angles.


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