Click the weblink to the American Sociological Association’s Most Downloaded Art


Click the weblink to the American Sociological Association’s Most Downloaded Articles. These articles are divided by their Journal sub topic – many of which are thematic in nature. Scroll the titles and themes of the articles. Remember, these are the most downloaded – not necessarily the most viewed, and not necessarily the most problematic issues in the world. Nevertheless, from the entire webpage, try to notice the major themes that emerge from these articles. Provide a list of the Top 5 themes you identify from these downloaded articles.
Now, think about the biggest social problems in Las Vegas right now. In your opinion, what are the Top 5 most significant social problems in Las Vegas today? These might or might not align with the exercise in #1 above. That is okay. This is based on you lived experiences in Las Vegas and the current social problems the city is facing. (*if you do not currently live in Las Vegas, you can refer to the city of your current residence and let us know this). Do any of the social problems in Las Vegas align with the themes you identified from the Most Downloaded articles? If so, which ones? And if not, discuss why you think Las Vegas social problems are not largely represented in the ASA’s Most Downloaded articles?


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