Assignment Two: Write about your own experience of working during the pandemic o


Assignment Two: Write about your own experience of working during the pandemic or about the experience of a friend or family member who you can interview. Try to write about someone (including yourself) who did not work entirely remotely during the pandemic. How did their jobs change during the pandemic? Did they become more difficult, more dangerous, and more stressful? In what ways did the company/organization they work for take care of them, or fail to take care of them during the pandemic? What should it have done differently Did they receive hazard pay/bonus pay/”hero pay” for working during the pandemic? Was their job unionized or did they have any other organization advocating for their interests? Did this make a difference to their pandemic job conditions? What would better protect them/you next time round?
Here’s the guideline for the second assignment, which is due by midnight on Sunday, also on the experience of front-line workers during the pandemic. You can base the paper either on your own work experience during the pandemic, or interview a family member or friend—preferably someone who did not work remotely for the duration of the pandemic, but had an “essential” job (which was tens of millions of Americans, and everyone from farm workers, meat-processing workers, supermarket workers, warehouse workers, nurses, doctors, delivery drives, public transport workers and so on.
Again, try to focus on two or three main issues and structure the paper around those. For a good example of how academics have written about these issues, read (at least some of) the intro from Jamie McCallum’s book, Essential, at the link below:


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