Tried my way and now I need some help if possible I need these steps done on the


Tried my way and now I need some help if possible I need these steps done on the paragraph listed below. Don’t go too crazy as this is a remedial writing course.
Now that you have learned a little bit about the writing process of drafting, revising, and editing, I want you to practice the revising and editing parts with verbs and complete sentences in mind. Here are the steps to follow:
Either copy and paste your post in a new Word document or print it out.
Underline all the main verbs for each sentence. (If you use Word’s underline feature, remove the underlines before submission.)
Rewrite any and all fragment and run-on sentences to form complete sentences.
Evaluate the verbs for conjugation. Are irregular verbs used correctly? Do you have all the helping verbs in place?
Do your subjects and main verbs agree in number?
Are your verbs all in the correct tense, referring to past events with past verbs, etc? Review the perfect tenses while you are deciding.
Write a topic sentence (kind of like a mini-thesis statement for a paragraph) for the sentences and arrange them in a logical order for a paragraph. Think back to the reverse outlining exercise to help you with this step. The topic sentence goes first.
Oh what a perfect time to switch gears and talk about a previous class! It’s kind of ironic, but the class that comes to mind is this class Developmental Writing 2 its my kryptonite, so I thought. Back in 2012 I tried taking this class and within the first two weeks I withdrew and never went back to school for eight years. Long story short not the best writer and in that class you had to write a paper and going to the writing lab. So I wrote my paper proofread it to the best of my ability and let the writing coach read it. The coach asks ” did you proofread this?” I said yes and the writing coach said it was terrible! So I told the professor this was a waste of time and withdrew the week after. I’d be done with my A.S. and maybe would have been close to a bachelors. I’ve learned quite a bit since that experience and really tried to work on my grammar and consistency since.


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