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Proposal (Topic Approval): Submit a proposal containing a description of your topic. You will be required to formally turn in your topic via Blackboard. Your proposal will be reviewed and given approval. Your topic must be relevant, substantive, and realistic. 
Capstone Project Assignment: You will select a topic with approval from your instructor that is relevant to the logistics or supply chain industry or is a facet of a company’s logistic operation. This can include area such as:
Push/Pull Strategy
Environmental Social Governance (ESG)/Traceability
Logistics Systems
Third Party Logistics (3PL)
Last Mile
Inventory Management
Quality Control/Performance Measures
Material Costs
Information Management
Other creative logistics research examples (You do not have to use these…they are just to give you some ideas for critical thinking and looking at how logistics touches many other aspects of business) could include:
People Movement: A logistics function in a business (e.g. the effective and timely movement of people at a sporting event from arrival to placement in their seats. This involves staffing, forecasting, flow projection, technology, various types of equipment, multiple systems communicating with each other).
Drive Through Line Efficiency: Evaluate the efficiency of the drive through operation at Chick-fil-A; compare to other fast-food drive through performance. Analyze staffing requirements, technology used, equipment, measure how car headcount and order size impact speed, look at the layout of the drive through (e.g. dual lanes, street traffic flow). (Video: Improve Drive Thru Speed of Service).
Dense Population Delivery Accuracy and Efficiency: Research efficiency of the Dabbawala lunch delivery process in Mumbai, India (The service has been a case study of ivy league universities of how this process delivers tens of thousands of lunches every day on time, with accuracy without sophisticate technology in a congested city with poor infrastructure. (Video: Dabbawalas: How India’s 130-year-old food delivery system works).
The Green Book: The Green Book provided African Americans with information on establishments that were welcoming and accommodating, logistical processes should aim to ensure equitable access to services for all participants in the supply chain. This includes identifying suppliers, warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation providers that prioritize inclusivity and diversity in their operations. (Video: Mapping the Green Book | National Geographic)
Airline Boarding Processes and Efficiency: How does Southwest Airlines’ boarding process differ from most airlines with their group A, B, C set up and how the earlier you check in, the better grouping designation you receive. They do not have assigned seating, which is the opposite of most airlines who allow you to pick your seat and, in many cases, pay extra for seat preference. How does allowing two free bags check-in influence passenger’s decision to carry-on luggage, which adds to the actual onboarding process (e.g. situating luggage, passengers having to return to the front of the plane to find a space for their luggage, thus going against the onboarding flow of passenger traffic).  (Video: The Better Boarding Method Airlines Won’t Use).
Business Model and Logistics in Ride Sharing: Evaluate the ride share process (e.g. Uber, Lyft) from the customer initiation to customer delivery. Compare services, what are the performance statistics?
Medical Office Operations Logistics: Medical office operations logistics involves the efficient management of resources, such as medical supplies, patient information, and staff schedules, to ensure smooth daily operations. This area of logistics focuses on optimizing inventory management, reducing patient wait times, coordinating staff workflows, and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. Effective logistics in medical offices can improve patient care quality, reduce operational costs, and enhance overall service delivery. (Video: How to Optimize Patient Flow & Increase Efficiency – Office Layout)
Sourcing of parts to assemble Boeing Aircraft: The sourcing of parts for assembling Boeing aircraft is a complex and critical aspect of aerospace logistics. It involves the global procurement of high-quality components from a network of suppliers, ensuring that each part meets strict regulatory and safety standards. The process requires precise coordination to manage lead times, maintain inventory levels, and mitigate risks such as supply chain disruptions. Efficient sourcing practices are essential to maintaining Boeing’s production schedules, ensuring aircraft reliability, and sustaining the company’s competitive edge in the aerospace industry.
The aforementioned examples are to stress that logistics covers many areas beyond moving boxes from point A to point B.
Assignment (Continued): Choose a major logistics company or a company impacted by logistics.
Examine logistics function(s) of this company (e.g. logistics, warehousing, inventory management, transportation, etc.)
Research the logistics component of this specific company (e.g. Lowe’s is a “bog box” retailer, but logistic is an integral component of their business (technology to monitor inventory, “just-in-time” management systems, third party (3PL) transportation companies to move goods from warehouse to the store, sourcing sites around the country, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system integration).
Assignment Requirements: Craft your proposal in the form of a formal written academic paper. Select your information and organize it in such a way that it is persuasive and accessible. Remember, this proposal is not merely informative: it is an argument for why your topic should be approved. Your proposal will include the following sections as headings:
Introduction: An introduction that tells me why you are writing and includes a preview of the contents.
Business Challenge or Background Information: A section on the business challenge; describe background information about the organization and/or information about the current situation. Make sure the reader can fully understand the business challenge or issue.
Research Plans: A section describing your research plans for this project. Describe what kind of information you’ll need and where to find it.
Research Motivation: What is your motivation for this topic; indicate your motivation for and/or connection to this particular project.
Research Requirements: Talk briefly about your acknowledgment of knowing what activities your research will require and that you can get them done on time.
Assignment Formatting: Your paper should have the following format structure:
Cover/Title page (including your name, proposal titles, date, school, class)
Proper headings for each section of your paper as previously noted
Paragraphs double spaced and indented
Proper paper in-text and reference page citations in accordance with APA 7th edition formatting 
Evaluation Criteria: I will evaluate your proposal based on the following criteria:
Persuasiveness and organization. I will be looking to see that you are taking on an actual project related to your professional and academic expertise and that you can complete the project by the end of the semester. Make your proposal convincing; demonstrate that you have singled out a worthwhile problem to solve or company/industry to analyze.
Style, clarity and arrangement. Your proposal must be well-written. The problem statement is clear and logically stated; sentences are correct, concise and arranged so that the meaning is easily obtained. Paragraphs are coherent, unified and short.
Design and format. Your design choices, including the use of headings, subheadings, font choices, etc. work to increase the document’s professionalism, accessibility and readability. Professional and academic format is used consistently and appropriately.
Due on Aug 25, 2024 11:59 PM
Available until Aug 26, 2024 8:30 AM. 
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Capstone – Outline:  
Capstone – Outline: After finalizing your topic, you will be required to submit a one or two-page, Microsoft Word outline of your project/topic via Blackboard . The outline should reflect research completed to date and show the structured plan for your final paper and presentation. Your outline should include the headings you will use in your final paper (e.g. introduction, company overview, product movement,  mode of transportation movement, cost factors, transportation requirements, governmental import regulations, etc.).  The more thorough your outline, the better the feedback you will receive, which will only aid in your final paper and presentation. 
Outline Formatting and Structure: Your outline serves as a template or blueprint if you will, of how your paper will be structured and executed. It provides guidance and clarity to your strategy for completing the research assignment. It is not your finished paper so therefore, you will not have all of the detail that you will have in your final product, but it does provide enough detail so the reader knows what you are attempting to accomplish and what your thoughts are on your topic. One important point: your paper should include a heading entitled “Introduction”, which provide the reader will back ground on what your paper is about (do not assume the reader knows exactly what your paper is about. The introduction serves as segue to your paper content. The basic flow of your outline should be something like:
Decide on the subject of the paper
Write down all the ideas you want to include or discuss
Organize related ideas into sub-groups
Arrange your ideas into a hierarchy: What should the reader learn first? What is most important? Which idea will help end your paper most effectively?
Create effective headings and subheadings
Format your paper outline headings in either alphanumeric, full-sentence, short-sentence, or decimal format. 
An alphanumeric outline is most commonly used. It uses Roman numerals, capitalized letters, Arabic numerals, lowercase letters to organize the flow of information. Text is written with short notes rather than full sentences.
Example (the following example is for an alphanumeric outline): 
First point
Sub-point of sub-point 1
Without getting into the weeds on a full-sentence outline, just be consistent in your structure. The term “parallelism”  basically means the repetition of a particular grammatical form within a sentence or between points you are making in your outline. For example, if the first word in your bullet sentence is a verb, the sub-point should also be a verb. 
In a full-sentence outline, you would use the same format, but after the description of the topic or sub-topic, there would be a sentence that followed.
Here is an actual example:
Introduce the immunization debate, addressing two sides: why immunization is recommended and why there are groups questioning it
Include different regions, focusing on the different arguments from those against immunization
Note: each sentence starts with an action word (i.e. verb). Your sentences don’t have to start with verbs……just be consistent.
Remember: the content in your headings should be related. It is certainly fine to have different headings for your paper, but keep the sub-topics related to the main heading topic. 
Due on Sep 15, 2024 11:59 PM
Available until Sep 16, 2024 8:30 AM. 
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PowerPoint Submission
Submit inBlackboard , a professional PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. The PowerPoint presentation should be developed with the mindset that you would present in a face-to-face setting (however no physical presentation will actually occur). It should cover the same topics as your final capstone project paper, but in less detail since the assumption is made you would present the PowerPoint and you would expound upon your content in an actual presentation. You will be graded on content, style, structure, grammar, relevance and the including of presenter notes. (25 points).
Important: In one of the latter discussions in the class, you will post your final project PowerPoint in a discussion thread for other students to read. You will respond to at least one other student after viewing their presentation. See Blackboard or specific directions. Make sure you include presenter notes so others can get a more in depth understanding of your PowerPoint slides.
Important: Presentations cannot be submitted unless you complete all of the written assignments on your company prior.
Cite your sources and include a bibliography. Websites to assist with proper citation/bibliography format can be found in:
• Purdue Owl Website
• Citation Machine
• Easybib
• American Psychological Association (APA)
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Capstone (02c) – Final Paper
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Capstone – Final Paper Goal: This is the final installment of your semester-long capstone assignment. This paper is the culmination of your work from your proposal and your outline you previously submitted.  Your final paper should follow the structure of your outline and certainly should include an introduction to provide the reader with an overview of what your project research is about (do not make the assumption a reader knows the background of your paper).
Capstone – Final Paper Submission: The final research paper is to be turned in via the school Learning Management System (LMS), which is either Blackboard . This paper will be at least four or more pages in length (excluding your title and reference pages).  This paper is the final component of your previous capstone assignment submissions (parts topic and outline); those assignments provided the foundation for this paper and provide the framework for your PowerPoint and video presentations. 
This paper should cover the history of your logistics topic, current state of affairs, and future company / industry outlook, and the relevant logistics components . (Note: this is not a company information only paper…in other words, this is not a paper to tell the reader only about information found in the “About” section of a company website like name of company and their marketing information about how great or efficient they are). Sources need to be documented using APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition formatting, which includes proper citations, references, and structure. (Please contact the library for assistance with citations or utilize the online resources I provided – Purdue Owl, APA Style website, Citation Machine, or Easybib  to assist you with your citations.
Include at least three (3) references (you can use the textbook as one (1) reference, but your others must be from academic journals, professional trade or business journals). Important: For your overall assignment, use at least 3 different sources dated within the past five years. You may use on-line sources such as newswire posting. You may use one (1) other such mass media undocumented Internet source (e.g. Wikipedia, Bing, or Google). Other sources should be from hard copy or on-line professional journals, credible database reference sources, or books. Review the Academic Integrity Policy in the Student Handbook regarding penalties for plagiarism. Remember: Wikipedia is not a valid source for a college level research project.  
The paper will be evaluated on the following criteria (100 points):
Definition of Project/Introduction
Application of Knowledge
Analysis, Critique of Research, Critical Thinking
Knowledge of Literature
APA Style and Format
Writing / Mechanics
Paper Structure, Length, Format
Overall Body of the Paper
Assignment Requirements
Your paper should:
Be well written with minimal if any grammatical, syntax, or typographical errors.
Include a separate cover/title page and reference page.
Be 12-point Times Roman or Arial font. The paper should have 1-inch margins left, right, top, and bottom.
Include double spaced and indented paragraphs.
If references are included:
Submit in APA 7th edition format for both in-text citations and references.
Note: if you have references in the “references” or “works cited” section of your paper, the references must be shown in the body of your paper when they are used to support your points.
Scholarly sources should be included to support your analysis. You can also use journals or websites from reputable sources.
Submit your work in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document format.
You may submit an Adobe Acrobat or Reader file (.pdf).
You may also use Google Docs (.gdoc).
Note: Submitting work in Apple’s “PAGES” (.pages) format is unacceptable and cannot be opened. You will not receive credit.
The college offers free access to Microsoft Office products and a full range of other applications via the “cloud” (
Include headings in your paper to separate topics and to bring emphasis to various sections of your paper. Headers are part of the APA formatting, and they assist the reader in understanding your work as well as assist in the ease of reading. 
Due on Sep 29, 2024 11:59 PM
Available until Sep 30, 2024 8:30 AM. 
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