Students will choose one of the four following options and write a paper on that


Students will choose one of the four following options and write a paper on that section of Genesis. Genesis 1-11 (The Primeval History)
Genesis 12-22 (The Story of Abraham)
Genesis 25:19-33 (The Story of Jacob)
Genesis 37-50 minus chapter 38 (The Story of Joseph)
The student will organize her/his paper into the following three sections:
A summary of the content. Focus on the most important aspects of the story.
The theology of the story. What does this section of scripture teach us about God.
Personal application. Based on what you said in section 2 about the character of God, how should you/we apply these truths to our lives to honor God more, love God better and worship him more fully?
The Paper will be 5 pages long. Typed in Microsoft Word. 12 point Times New Roman font. Use MLA format


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