Step 1: Using your sociological imagination, observe your community and identify


Step 1: Using your sociological imagination, observe your community and identify a social problem that creates a threat to the community’s values. You should observe during outings in your community as part of your normal routine for work, shopping, or family activities.
Step 2: Write an essay to demonstrate your ability to identify and analyze a social problem.
The essay should include the following elements:
Introduction: Required criteria:
Explain the purpose of the essay.
Describe the difference between personal troubles and social problems.
Make a clear thesis statement that will guide the organization of the essay.
Body of the Paper: This section of the paper should have four paragraphs.
Paragraph 1:
Identify the community by city/town and state where the social problem exists.
Fully describe the social problem that has been observed. Be sure to answer these questions: Who? What? Where? How many?
Explain why the condition observed is a social problem and not a personal issue. Include a statement about the community value that is threatened.
Paragraph 2:
Give a complete, referenced explanation of the functionalist perspective.
Apply the functionalist perspective to an analysis of the identified social problem in your community.
Identify negative and potentially positive outcomes to the community of the presence of the social problem.
Paragraph 3:
Give a complete, referenced explanation of the conflict perspective.
Apply the conflict perspective to an analysis of the identified social problem in your community.
Identify all groups who are in conflict over the power and control of specific resources within the community.
Paragraph 4:
Give a complete, referenced explanation of the interactionist perspective.
Apply the interactionist perspective to an analysis of the identified social problem in your community.
Provide two specific examples of how language, words, and symbols have created a social reality that includes this social problem.
Use the first part of this final section of the paper to review the main points made in the paper. The review segment should be at least four sentences.
Make at least one suggestion, based on the chosen theoretical perspective, for a resolution to the community social problem.
End the paper with a referenced comment on which of the three perspectives used in the analysis offers the most complete understanding of the social problem.
Reference Page:
This page should have at least one academic reference listed that was cited in the essay. The textbook is the preferred reference for this assignment.
The reference should be in APA formatting.


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